Classic Halloween party background: black bat paper cutout pattern over orange

Host Your Classic Halloween Party

What Makes a Halloween Party Classic?

Like many modernized holidays, Halloween has scattered origins which mostly trace back to ancient European practices. But Halloween as we know it didn’t materialize until the past couple hundred years. And only within the past century has it become relatively tame. It used to mark a raucous night of massive property damage. Trick-or-treating gave shop/home owners the option to give children treats to spare a prank (hence the term ‘trick or treat’). Since then, Halloween has embraced more socially acceptable forms of fun and celebration. And while children trick-or-treat, adults have parties. A classic Halloween party celebrates our modern Halloween holiday as it’s evolved over the past century. Think jack-o-lanterns, witches, black cats, vampire bats, simple white ghost blobs, Frankenstein, Dracula, mummies, skeletons, and the like.

A classic Halloween party staple includes decor like this toy Frankenstein as seen in this close-up image, who happens to also be wearing a makeshift white face mask
Photo by Peter Neumann

I’ve met many people who don’t like Halloween because it brings out so much horror-themed decor everywhere. While there is enough of a cult following to support the horror industry, many are of course turned off by gruesome displays of body parts and rotting corpses. But that isn’t what Halloween’s all about. Gore is just one facet of Halloween; it’s certainly not the only way to celebrate this holiday. Classic Halloween isn’t about scaring the pants off of people. Sure, it can be ‘scary’ to various degrees, but it doesn’t intend to shock or terrorize. Rather, it pays homage to the generally palatable, socially cohesive Halloween we’ve come to know. Here’s how we make it an awesome, classic party!

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How to Throw a Classic Halloween Party

1. Create the Scene with Halloween decorations

Classic Halloween party decor is orange and black. A close-up image shows two black skull-shaped glasses resting on a block colour background of orange and black, with orange and black jack-o-lantern confetti scattered around, and orange and black striped paper ribbon curled around nearby
Photo by Toni Cuenca

Decorating for Halloween is a blast! Classic Halloween decorations basically include anything that’s neither gory nor niche-specific (such as pink Halloween party decor). You can spend as little or as much as you’re comfortable with. Just make sure you spend sustainably and within your disposable income budget. Depending on how much time you have, you can DIY as much of your decorations as you want. If you don’t have time for DIY, there are plenty of fun decorations and things you can acquire – including inexpensive ones. Let’s get started by checking out plenty of fun options based on each Halloween character listed here:

2. Prepare Halloween Food and Beverages

Halloween food is so much fun! Depending on how playful you want to get, there are lots of creative treats you can make (or buy). It’s easy to find Halloween-themed snacks, and there are plenty of great recipes you can try here:

Food and beverages are usually the biggest expense, so make sure you consciously spend to protect your budget (and peace of mind!). If it makes the most sense, budget by having guests bring edible items to share. Most people are happy to contribute (see 6. Guest Participation). Just be aware of any invited guests’ dietary restrictions and needs so that there are at least one or two decent food/drink options for them as well.

Top-down close-up image of a latte in a mug over a white saucer, with the cream on the surface of the latte shaped into a ghost
Photo by Toa Heftiba

3. Set the Ambience with a Playfully Spooky Playlist

How do you like your parties: amped or relaxed? What do your guests dig? Pick out a Halloween-inspired playlist at the ready for your party, such as this hour of popular Halloween party songs.

For a more revved up/hyper vibe, play this Spooky Electro Swing Halloween Mix. Music doesn’t necessarily have to be Halloween-specific as long as it’s conducive to your fun party atmosphere, but Halloween songs definitely enhance the classic Halloween atmosphere!

Close-up image of some bubbles gathered inside a glass pane, with hues of yellow and pinkish orange, and a few black Halloween silhouettes floating around: a smiling ghost, a crescent moon, and two black bats
Photo by Fly D

4. Add Evocative Scents

Light some delicious candles to greet your guests with a pleasant scent as soon as they arrive. Nice smells are like a backburner sensory treat that people don’t much talk about but very much appreciate on the deepest level. Truly immerse your guests in classic Halloween with these any of scented candles:

5. Plan Halloween Games or Activities

Make it a classic Halloween party with at least one game! While you don’t need games to make a great party, they can definitely amp up happy creativity and silliness. This Halloween games article has some fun ideas. I even learned something new – there is apparently a practice called tyromancy which involves reading cheese to predict the future. Accurate or not, they had me at cheese.

6. Establish Guest Participation

If you love to dress up for Halloween, make it a costume party! Want to challenge everyone to a creative Halloween cooking contest? Make it a Halloween potluck! However you would like your guests to participate, make sure you let them know when you first invite them. And of course, as the host, remember to lead your party as the #1 participator. If you encourage costumes, don’t forget your own! And if others contribute food, provide at least one large dish that is both tasty and filling (just in case others end up bringing things that are less tasty or less filling).

Close-up image of a black witch hat sitting in the grass among scattered autumn leaves
Photo by Monstera Production

Checklist of Classic Halloween Party Supplies

This is a list of all of the physical things you need for this party.

  1. Halloween decorations
  2. Halloween-themed food and drinks
  3. Halloween music playlist and speakers to play it
  4. Halloween-scented candles for delicious scents
  5. Any materials needed for Halloween games and activities
  6. Your Halloween costume

Checklist of Steps for Party Preparation

Classic Halloween party decorations include a strand of orange lights with jack-o-lanterns hanging from them, strung along a black wrought-iron fence as seen close-up in this photo. Droplets of dew are seen dripping off of the nearest plastic jack-o-lantern
Photo by John Hayler
1. First, establish that your efforts aren’t in vain by confirming that people can come on any chosen date:
  1. Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well
  2. Choose guest list and establish minimum number of guests you’d like (to make it worth your effort)
  3. Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  4. If your preferred minimum number of guests confirm interest and availability, have them secure calendar date for your awesome Halloween party!
2. Then, proceed with the fun planning!
  1. Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  2. Create invitations with all of the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  3. Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  4. Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  5. In your planned time slots, DIY any party supplies and decorations
  6. In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  7. In your planned time slots, set up/decorate with any supplies and decorations
  8. In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks accordingly (depending on how long foods keep)
3. Day of your classic Halloween party (in your amply planned time slot):
  1. Complete any last-minute food/drink prep that can’t be done in advance
  2. Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations
  3. Prepare ambience (music, candles)
  4. Get dressed in your party outfit (or costume) with plenty of time to spare
  5. Once everything’s ready, meditate or do whatever you need to do to get in a good head space if you aren’t already: relaxed, energized, excited – you will be happier, and guests will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and automatically be happier as well – everybody’s best interest!
Against a stark black background is an orange image of the moon, against which a black tree limb silhouette juts out with a black cat sitting on top
Photo by Pixabay

You are ready to rock a classic Halloween party. Happy Halloween!

If you want to explore more Halloween-themed parties, check out these others:

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