Several Harry Potter books are displayed on a table amidst gold leaf garland, a gold owl paper weight, and other decorative Harry Potter party props

How to Have a Harry Potter Party

Harry Potter: A Beloved Character and Story

Who doesn’t love Harry Potter? This widely known story series is so popular for a reason: it’s compelling, it’s magical, and it’s fun! And what better way to enjoy Harry Potter (besides reading the books or watching the movies) than to throw a Harry Potter party? No need to wait for a more opportune time – Harry Potter is a splendid party theme any time of the year. Let’s delve into everything you need to plan a party your fellow witches and wizards will love!

How to Throw a Harry Potter Party

1. Turn Your Home Into the Magical World with Harry Potter Decorations

A wooden shelf is filled with all kinds of magical-themed trinkets, bottles and other items, with fairy lights of green, blue and purple lighting the area along with a candle. A large feather rests on the table, as well as gourds and other items - great decor for a Harry Potter party
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo

Decorating can be so much fun, especially when you love the story behind the scene! There are several directions you could take with a Harry Potter theme. You could choose just one Hogwarts house and string up paper streamers and other décor in those colours. For example, go all out with gold and maroon for Gryffindor. Or silver and green for Slytherin. Or maybe decorate separate rooms in separate house colours. Hufflepuff’s yellow and black for the kitchen, and Ravenclaw’s blue and bronze for your living room (or wherever there’s a bookshelf).

Gather as many empty glass jars and bottles as you can, de-label them, and fill them with all kinds of wizardly things – small stones, feathers, coloured liquids, taper candles, wand-like sticks, dried leaves, and so on. Buy a simple wooden broom (or clean off yours) and lay it across the mantel. Get some dry ice to put in a bowl of party punch, or in a decorative cauldron (any black pot will do) on the mantel. Get creative with it!

A black pot full of water and dry ice sits on a kitchen floor and overflows with wispy white curls of water vapor that plume up and over the edges, creating a perfectly magical prop for a Harry Potter party

Here are some classic Harry Potter decorations to get you started:

2. Prepare Harry Potter-Inspired Food and Beverages

Two people dressed in Hogwarts robes and wearing Gryffindor-coloured ties stand in front of a table and hold a wand over a bowl with overflowing water vapor (cast by dry ice), with a large open book and several artificial candles lit nearby - fitting decor for a Harry Potter party
Photo by Artem Maltsev

Time to get crafty with your menu! Whether you provide all refreshments or whether you request that guests bring a dish or drink potluck-style, food is one of the most fun ways to engage your guests in a theme. Let them experience the world of Harry Potter through their sense of taste!

It’s easy to spend a lot on food. If you want to keep it thrifty, the key is to prepare your own dishes rather than buy pre-made party platters. This means you need to plan your menu and set aside time to cook/prepare food in advance (included in your time block to-do list below). While that takes a little more effort and preparation on your part, it also gives you more freedom over specific ingredients you provide. This is important, say, if someone is gluten free. Of course, you can always budget by inviting guests to BYOB and/or bring edible items to share. Most people are happy to contribute (see 6. Guest Participation). But regardless, be aware of any invited guests’ dietary restrictions and provide at least one or two decent food/drink options for them as well.

A pot of water and dry ice rests on a kitchen floor and emits a theatrical outpouring of wispy white water vapor that cascades out and around it, a perfect scene for a Harry Potter party

There are plenty of Harry Potter-inspired recipes that fellow kitchen wizards and witches have crafted for just such an occasion as your Harry Potter party. Here are a few to get you started:

3. Set the Ambience with Harry Potter Music or Atmosphere Video

A steaming Hogwarts Express waits in the bright train station, ready to carry its passengers
Photo by Ana Essentiels

The most relevant music to play at a Harry Potter party is any of the movie soundtracks, naturally. Or play any of the movies in the background. An alternative to playing music or movies is to play a Harry Potter-inspired soundscape, which creates a very pleasant background ambiance and casts a feel of being in the video scene. There are many from which to choose. Here are a few:

A view standing beneath the sign for platform nine and three quarters in the train station
Photo by Aditya Vyas

If you are having your Harry Potter party during the Christmas season:

4. Add Delicious Scents

We covered the sights, the flavors, and the sounds of the Harry Potter world. Now, consider the scents! To truly immerse your guests in a theme, think of ways to engage the evocative sense of smell with such thematic scented candles as these:

5. Plan Harry Potter Party Games

A Hogwarts-crested goblet filled with butterbeer sits on a table next to a lit candle casting a warm glow, a bowl of popcorn, a couple of Harry Potter books, a small red basket of peanuts, and other Harry Potter paraphernalia, setting a perfect scene for a Harry Potter party
Photo by Z Graphica

Most of your guests have likely already taken a Hogwarts house quiz at some point in their life. But that doesn’t mean they won’t want to do another sorting hat quiz again – just in case anything’s changed! You and your guests might also enjoy a game of wizard pong. It’s a fun and simple way that anyone can compete, whether you fill the cups with a tasty drink like ice cream-based butterbeer or an adult beverage.

You can also download plenty of printable Harry Potter activities for everyone to enjoy such as these:

Close-up photo of the Slytherin crest made of an engraved silver snake and surrounding silver embellishment overtop of a green jewel, on a flat wooden crest
Photo by Rhii Photography

6. Establish Guest Participation

Guest participation entails what extent guests contribute to your party. It’s optional and just depends on what kind of party you’re having and what sorts of things you’ll do/share. Maybe you invite everyone to dress up as a witch/wizard, or as a specific Harry Potter character. Maybe you ask everyone to bring a dish to share. If so, make sure that as the host of a potluck-style party you provide at least one large dish that is both tasty and filling (just in case others end up bringing things that are less tasty or less filling). Same goes for any type of guest participation: you set the bar, so make your costume (or whatever shared effort) count!

Of course, always choose your guests mindfully and with their interests in mind. Prioritize friends who love Harry Potter. But don’t shy away from others who may not know much about it, even friends who have never seen any of the movies or read any of the books. If they’re people you like and they enjoy parties in general, they can still have a good time! And you never know, you may just turn someone unsuspected into a Potterhead.

Checklist of Items You Need

Several wands of different shapes and colours are laid out in a row on top of a wooden table next to various bottles of different-coloured potions, a great way to decorate for a Harry Potter party
Photo by Rdne Stock Project
These are the things you need for this party:
  1. Harry Potter-inspired decorations
  2. Harry Potter-inspired food and drinks
  3. Harry Potter soundtrack, movie and/or soundscapes
  4. Harry Potter-inspired scented candles
  5. Harry Potter games and activities
  6. Harry Potter costume (optional – unless you also invite others to dress up)

Preparation Checklist for Your Harry Potter Party

Interior of Harry's Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's living room filled with fluttering Hogwarts invitations flying around. Tying up Hogwarts invitations with clear string from the ceiling is a perfect way to decorate for a Harry Potter party
Photo by Finn
1. First, confirm that people can come on any chosen date:
  1. Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well
  2. Choose guest list and establish minimum number of guests you’d like (to make it worth your effort)
  3. Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  4. If your preferred minimum number of guests confirm interest and availability, have them secure calendar date for your fun Harry Potter party!
2. Then, proceed with party planning:
  1. Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  2. Create invitations with all the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  3. Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  4. Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  5. In your planned time slots, DIY any party supplies and decorations (optional)
  6. In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  7. In your planned time slots, set up decorations
  8. In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks (depending on how long things keep)
A pot containing water and dry ice sits on a kitchen floor and emits a large plume of white cloud-like water vapor that cascades out and around it, completely covering the floor
3. Day of Party (in your amply planned time slot):
  1. Prepare any foods/drinks that are too fresh to do any earlier
  2. Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations you didn’t want up before
  3. Prepare ambience (audio/visual, candles)
  4. Get dressed with plenty of time! This could be your Harry Potter costume, or simply a magical party outfit
  5. Once everything’s ready, meditate or do any preferred self-care to get in a good head space if you aren’t already. You want to feel relaxed, energized, and excited. You will be happier, and guests will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and be happier as well! After all, the best magic we can practice is that of intention. From there, any fun can ensue.
A view of a the interior of a gigantic university law library that resembles the Hogwarts Great Hall, with rows of chandeliers lit and casting a bright glow
Photo by Mathew Schwartz

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