Scattered autumn leaves and acorns for a Fall Equinox party

How to Host a Fall Equinox Party

A Fall Equinox Party Officially Welcomes Fall

Everybody loves the start of fall, especially after a long, hot summer (and especially in the American south where summer lasts half the year). Though there are several ways to commemorate fall – such as an autumn apple party or a pumpkin party, a Fall Equinox party is the main event because it officially begins this season. The Fall Equinox occurs each year on either September 22nd or 23rd, (or, rarely, the 21st or 24th). A Fall Equinox party is essentially a harvest party where we enjoy the earth’s seasonal autumn harvest and celebrate the changing of the seasons via the earth’s orbital position relative to the sun. So if you’re ready to get your friends together to welcome fall, let’s start planning this festive celebration!

A woman in a muted yellow striped sweater stands in a cornfield holding a freshly harvested ear of corn
Photo by Matthew Henry

How to Celebrate Fall Equinox

1. Create an Autumnal Scene with Nature-Inspired Decorations

Because an equinox party specifically celebrates the fall season, it makes the most sense to host outside. So if this is at all possible, make it an outdoors event! Just make sure your indoor space is also ready to host in case it rains at the last minute.

Whether you host indoors or out, the easiest way to decorate for an autumn-themed party is with lots and lots of autumn leaves. If you live in a cold enough climate that many leaves have already fallen, you can easily rake up a bounty to bring inside and scatter across your mantel, table, or gathered in baskets. If you live where September is still too warm to drop leaves, you can still use pretty artificial leafy décor. Other natural materials – or artificial replications – such as multi-coloured corn, hay, or other seasonal foliage also make perfect décor for a harvest party.

A tan string with colourful artificial autumn leaves made of fabric is strung across a natural forest background and is a perfect decoration for a Fall Equinox party
Photo by Designecologist

While decorating can get pricy depending on how elaborate you get, you can usually find inexpensive party supplies if you know where to look. And as long as you don’t mind scavenging in nature (a relaxing task, really!), you can scrounge up as many acorns as possible and other natural materials such as those mentioned above to display for décor. Or get crafty and DIY decorations, such as an autumn garland strung with corn husks.

Check out these delightful fall decorations and serveware for inspiration:

2. Prepare Seasonal Food and Beverages

Autumn harvest with corn, pumpkins and persimmons - perfect picks to serve at a Fall Equinox party
Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina (food photographer/stylist)

One of the best parts about fall is the mouthwatering food that pops up every year around this time. If you want to bake some delicious apple treats, check out the many options in the apple party post. And let’s not even get started on all the pumpkin possibilities (too many to mention!). Whether you provide all party refreshments or whether you request that guests bring a dish or drink potluck-style, food is one of the best ways to engage your guests in a Fall Equinox celebration. Share a taste of fall with any of these seasonal dishes and drinks:

3. Create an Autumn Ambience with a Thematic Playlist or Video

Close-up photo of wheat stalks in a wheat field
Photo by Pixabay

Background music is a great way to enhance your autumnal vibe. If you want a harvest hoedown, you’ll need a fitting playlist for dancing (unless you have musician friends to provide live jams!). But if your focus is more on facilitating easy conversation or games, you could opt to play either festive music or a pleasant soundscape visual such as this cozy autumn loft ambiance video. Maybe you prefer playing beautiful and inspiring instrumental autumn equinox songs, or maybe you love some harvest party music. Whichever direction you take your tunes, stick to those with an autumn-inspired vibe and have fun with it!

4. Add Evocative Autumn Scents

Top-down photo showing someone in in Ottawa standing in cosy socks over a wood plank floor next to a rumpled blanket with an open book and cuppa on top, nearby a small orange pumpkin and autumn leaves
Photo by Alex Geerts

We covered the sights, the flavors, and the sounds of autumn. Now, consider the scents! To truly immerse your guests in the season, think of ways to engage the evocative sense of smell. Brew a batch of fall slow cooker potpourri (cinnamon orange) for an intoxicating aroma that fills your home. Or burn any of these tantalizing scented candles:

5. Plan Fall Equinox Party Games or Activities

If you can host outside and have the space, there is no better way to celebrate the Fall Equinox than with a bonfire! Of course, this would need to be legal within your jurisdiction. Even small contained firepits may be illegal/unsafe in some urban areas depending on nearby structures and local laws. But if it’s plausible, I encourage you to welcome autumn in all its glory by spending the evening partying at an outdoor fire. Never mind scented candles – you’ll have one giant amazing-smelling wood-burning candle to mesmerize everyone!

When you’re hosting indoors, you and your guests can enjoy playing fall-themed games such as any of these festive printable downloads:

6. Establish Guest Participation

A basket lying on its side is filled with apples, small pumpkins, acorns, corn, and pinecones, all spilling out - fitting decor for a Fall Equinox party
Photo by Sarah Pflug

Guest participation is optional and involves how you’d like your guests to participate or contribute to your party. A harvest potluck requires guests to bring a dish to share. You might make the party BYOB. Whatever you decide, just make sure you communicate any participation requests when you initially invite guests.

Of course, always choose your guests mindfully and with their interests in mind. Prioritize friends who you think would most enjoy a harvest party. But don’t shy away from others who may not be as familiar with it. You never know, someone may come to realize they’re in their element at a harvest hoedown!

Checklist of Items You Need

These are the things you need for this party:
  • Fall Equinox party decorations
  • Seasonal autumn-themed food and beverages
  • Autumn-inspired music
  • Autumn-scented candles or homemade potpourri
  • Autumn-themed party games

Preparation Checklist for Your Fall Equinox Party

A wreath made of small orange pumpkins, figs, small red berries, autumn leaves, and other natural materials - a welcoming decoration to invite guests to a Fall Equinox party
Photo by Joanna Kosinska
1. First, confirm that people can come on any chosen date:
  • Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well. In 2024, the Fall Equinox is on Sunday, September 22nd – an appropriate day to host a party since people are often off work that day and you’ll be able to start earlier in the afternoon if you choose. If you’re looking to party with a late-night bonfire, however, the Saturday night before may be easier for people who work Monday mornings.
  • Choose guest list and establish minimum number of guests you’d like (to make it worth your effort)
  • Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  • If your preferred minimum number of guests confirm interest and availability, have them secure calendar date for your awesome Fall Equinox celebration!
2. Then, proceed with the fun planning:
  • Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep as listed below (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  • Create invitations with all the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  • Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  • Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  • In your planned time slots, DIY any party supplies and decorations
  • In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  • In your planned time slots, set up decorations
  • In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks (depending on how long things keep)
3. Day of Party (in your amply planned time slot):
  • Prepare any foods/drinks that are too fresh to do any earlier
  • Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations (if not up already)
  • Prepare ambience (audio/visual, candles/scents)
  • Get dressed in your favourite harvest party outfit
  • Once everything’s ready, meditate or do any preferred self-care to get in a good head space if you aren’t already. You want to be a relaxed, energized, and happy host – both for yourself and for your guests, who will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and automatically be happier as well!

Every part of the Fall Equinox party planning process is meant to be enjoyable – from planning the menu to putting up decorations. The way to be a good host is to put thought and care into party preparation while also keeping a flexible approach that allows grace for unexpected surprises. At the end of the day, simply having a good time together is how to celebrate Fall Equinox – even if things went differently than you initially envisioned. Enjoy the process and party on!

Close-up photo of a pile of autumn leaves of various colours including vivid purple, red, yellow, green, orange, etc. Natural leaves from outside make perfect decor for a Fall Equinox party
Photo by Jeremy Thomas

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