Close-up photo of gold hued clock mechanism, iconic symbol for a steampunk party

How to Host a Sizzling Steampunk Party

Steampunk: Celebrating a Dreamchild of History and Futurism

Steampunk is such a fun and funky aesthetic. If you dig it, throw a steampunk party! We’ll cover several ways you can rock this theme. You’ll of course want to understand the inspiration behind the style: the steam power era coupled with fantastical/futuristic and idealistic images of technology. Picture clock gears, steam engine powered trains, and no-nonsense liquor consumption such as a plain glass of gin. My first glimpse of anything remotely steampunk (but not labeled as such) was a haunting scene in the film Mirrormask back in the mid-aughts. Over a decade later I met an older shopkeeper in Otorohanga, New Zealand who was so into steampunk that she was an active member of a steampunk club that regularly met and organized/attended steampunk events. Whether there is such a steampunk organization near you or not, this steampunk party is a great way to create your own celebration!

Close-up image of an ornate copper pocket watch
Photo by Lucas Santos

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How to Throw a Steampunk Party

1. Create Visual Appeal with a Stellar Steampunk Scene

You know you’ve decorated successfully when someone walks in and immediately knows what kind of party they’re at. Decorating is a lot of fun when you love the theme! While it can get pricy depending on how elaborate you get, you can usually find inexpensive party supplies if you know where to look. And, with a little time and motivation, you can almost always DIY your party decorations. The most resourceful way to decorate for a steampunk party is to obtain any metal gears, pipes, or classic (not modern) industrial-looking equipment. Scavenge an antique shop. They are usually full of old metal junk which, once cleaned up, can make some pretty awesome thematic décor.

For colours, you’re going to want sleek metallics: silver, bronze, copper, gold. Include black and shades of gray as well. You’re going for an industrial sort of look, so very masculine and technologically forward-focused. Include metal textures, naturally, as well as leather and rough materials like burlap. Anything natural and without bright colours will do, such as a smart maroon jacket (to use an apparel example).

Close-up photo of a black bowler hat with leather-sided goggles with silver-rimmed lenses on top of it, iconic headwear for a steampunk party
Photo by Johnny Briggs

There are Victorian elements as well, to add steampunk’s characteristic feminine edge. Another apparel example includes lacy gowns, ruffles, and Victorian-style jewelry. Gentlemanly top hats and smart-looking pocket watches and canes also fit the bill.

Stylistic decorations include old-fashioned clocks, gears, and steam trains. If you happen to own a miniature steam engine toy train that runs on a track, step aside, Christmas – your steampunk party is its time to shine! Vintage tools such as old typewriters, antique telephones, and other such relics are other classic steampunk icons. Check those antique stores for these kinds of things. You can find all sorts of treasures to create that old era machinist look.

Close-up photo of red wheels on a black steam train (the Ruskeala Express, which runs from Saint Petesburg to Ruskeala Mountain Park), with some steam near the engine. A steam train is, naturally, an iconic symbol for a steampunk party
Photo by Eugenia Romanova
Steampunk party decorations

If you’re really into the steampunk aesthetic beyond just the party and want to really go all out, there is plenty of (typically metal) steampunk décor out there. And for delightful scents to greet your guests in steampunk style, check out a couple of awesome steampunk-themed scented candles:

2. Prepare Steampunk-Inspired Food and Bevvies

To immerse your guests in the steampunk world via tastebuds, serve food that people ate during the Victorian era. Whether you provide all refreshments or whether you request that guests bring a dish or drink potluck-style, food is a great way to engage everyone in the steampunk party theme. You can even throw together specifically steampunk-inspired recipes. And if you’re feeling crafty in the kitchen, give these delicious dark chocolate and bourbon vanilla steampunk cupcakes a go.

Drinks are easy: grab some decent bottles of liquor (such as gin, bourbon or absinthe) and serve it straight up or on the rocks. If you own any glasses or drinking vessels made of copper, stainless steel or something otherwise metallic and classy, serve drinks out of those. Tea is a must, and be sure to provide water-decaffeinated tea alongside regular tea.

It’s easy to spend a lot on food. If you want to keep it thrifty, the key is to prepare your own dishes rather than buy pre-made party platters. This means you need to plan your menu and set aside time to cook/prepare food in advance (included in your time block to-do list below). While that takes a little more effort and preparation on your part, it also gives you more freedom over specific ingredients you provide. This is important, say, if someone is gluten free. Of course, you can always budget by inviting guests to BYOB and/or bring edible items to share. Most people are happy to contribute (see 5. Guest Participation). But regardless, be aware of any invited guests’ dietary restrictions and provide at least one or two decent food/drink options for them as well.

3. Set the Ambience with the Perfect Playlist or Video

There are many creative steampunk ambiance/soundscape videos that enhance the steampunk vibe. This steampunk engineer’s office ambiance video shows a fun scene with a background soundscape of mechanical sounds. This steampunk music compilation video offers a dramatic orchestral composition for cinematic-like background music. There is also noir-tinged steampunk-inspired music with accompanying illustrations for each tract if you prefer a darker (but no less energized) vibe that segues into lighter tracts about halfway through the video. Those are just a few of many, many more steampunk soundscapes and ambiance videos. There are also bands that incorporate steampunk elements into their style and performances. At the end of the day, play music that you and your guests all enjoy, but incorporating steampunk audio or visual effects is an awesome way to create the mood!

Close-up image of several hanging gold-coloured brass pocket watches
Photo by Abdullah

4. Plan Steampunk Party Games

If any guests have trouble opening up or shaking off stress from the week, games are a great hack to rewire our brains back toward fun and pleasure. While such activities aren’t necessarily required to make a great party, they can definitely make a more interesting (or entertaining) party! Structured fun is especially helpful for more introverted guests, or for stimulating intriguing or thematic conversations. Check out these five steampunk board games (including an aptly titled Steampunk Rally ) to add some structured fun to your party.

5. Establish Guest Participation

Guest participation is optional but you’ll always need to let people know upfront (i.e. in the initial invite). A costume party requires a costume. A potluck requires that guests share a dish or drink. But as the host of a potluck-style party, be sure to provide at least one large dish that is both tasty and filling (just in case others end up bringing things that are less tasty or less filling). Same goes for any type of guest participation: you set the bar, so make your costume (or whatever shared effort) count!

Dressing in costume is a fantastic and very thematically fitting way to invite your guests to participate in a steampunk party. Once you have some steampunk costume ideas, it’s easy to craft together a costume from scratch using thrift store finds or items you already own. Or choose from plenty of creative steampunk costume ensembles.

Of course, always choose your guests mindfully and with their interests in mind. Prioritize friends who you know would most enjoy a steampunk party. But don’t shy away from others who may not know much about it. You never know, you may turn someone on to it!

Checklist of Items You Need

These are the things to acquire for your steampunk party:
  1. Steampunk decorations
  2. Steampunk-inspired refreshments
  3. Steampunk-inspired music or soundscape/ambiance video
  4. Steampunk game(s)
  5. Steampunk outfit/costume

Preparation Checklist for Your Steampunk Party

Close-up photo of shining gold-coloured gears inside of a pocket watch
Photo by Josh Redd
1. First, confirm that people can come on any chosen date:
  1. Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well
  2. Choose guest list and establish minimum number of guests you’d like (to make it worth your effort)
  3. Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  4. If your preferred minimum number of guests confirm interest and availability, have them secure calendar date for your super awesome steampunk party!
2. Then, proceed with the fun planning:
  1. Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  2. Create invitations with all the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  3. Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  4. Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  5. In your planned time slots, DIY any party supplies and decorations
  6. In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  7. In your planned time slots, set up decorations
  8. In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks (depending on how long things keep)
Close-up image of shining golden-coloured metal gears of the inside of a clock
Photo by Lucas Santos
3. Day of Party (in your amply planned time slot):
  1. Prepare any foods/drinks that are too fresh to do any earlier
  2. Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations you didn’t want up before
  3. Prepare ambience (audio/visual, candles/scents)
  4. Get dressed with plenty of time in your steampunk party outfit or costume
  5. Once everything’s ready, meditate or do any preferred self-care to get in a good head space if you aren’t already. You want to be relaxed, energized, and excited. You will be happier, and guests will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and automatically be happier as well – everybody’s best interest!
Gold, silver and dark brass-coloured metal gears, cogs and wheels from old watches strewn about across a transparent surface
Photo by Laura Ockel

How elaborate you get with your steampunk party planning is up to you; the important thing is that you and your guests have a good time. When you put in the time and effort to plan and prepare and keep a positive mindset, it will surely be a fun event that everyone enjoys – even when things don’t always go according to plan. Indulge the steampunk fantasy and have fun with it!

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