Close-up photo of the royal blue and gold zodiac-embellished clockface of St. Mark's clocktower in Venice, Italy - a beautiful icon for a zodiac themed party

How to Rock a Zodiac Themed Party

Everyone’s Secret (or not so secret) Indulgence: Star Signs

If you’re into Western astrology or enjoy figuring out everyone’s star sign, consider hosting a zodiac themed party! It’s a fun way to celebrate the diversity of attributes ascribed to each of the twelve (or thirteen, depending on which tradition you follow) astrological signs. And by which tradition you follow, I mean whether you follow the traditional zodiac as mapped out in the stars millennia ago by the Babylonians, or whether you follow the zodiac constellations’ current locations in the sky (since the stars and planets have certainly shifted after all that time). Either way, a zodiac themed party will offer plenty of fun for you and your friends who are equally interested in astrology! Let’s learn some fun ideas to get your party planning started.

Photo showing each of the twelve traditional zodiac signs decoratively carved into a concrete wall in Chrzanow, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, beautifully inspiring a zodiac themed party
Photo by Jakub Pabis

How to Throw a Zodiac Themed Party

1. Create the Scene with Zodiac Themed Party Decorations

For the purpose of simplicity and because most people are more familiar with the twelve-sign zodiac, we’ll use that as our basis for party décor and other party planning components. If you want to include Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer – which is pretty awesome) too, by all means do so! We’ll focus on the traditional zodiac in this post but don’t let that stop you from using the actual thirteen-sign zodiac instead if you choose.

Zodiac themed decorations
Close-up image of a bronze statue of a blindfolded woman in a gown holding up a traditional scale, a beautiful Libra prop for a zodiac themed party
Libra (Photo: Tingey Injury Law Firm)
Décor inspired by individual astrological signs

You have (at least) twelve signs to work with – so plenty of variety for decorative inspiration! One idea is to incorporate each astrological sign into decorating a certain nook or area of your home – such as Leo’s lion on the mantel (fittingly front and center and above the fire) or Aquarian décor in the bathroom by the tub. Capricorn in the kitchen (lots of hard work prepping that food) and Virgo on the table where people traditionally sit to eat the food. Aries by the front door, first in line to greet guests and direct them inside, Libra on the coffee table near the couch where everyone’s socializing…you may need to only include some signs depending on the size of your space. Either way, it’s a fun way to pay homage to each (or any) sign! If you need a recap, these are the (traditional) twelve signs and corresponding symbols:

Top-down photo of a vivid yellow-orange beta fish swimming against a stark black background, the perfect Pisces pet to display for a zodiac themed party
Pisces (Photo: Max Ducourneau)
Décor inspired by the night sky

Rather than focusing your decorating tactics on the actual zodiac signs, you could just as easily decorate with stars and moons to represent the night sky by which we see these constellations. If you love this idea enough to also incorporate it into your home décor, there are so many beautiful star and moon décor items you can use that are likewise perfect for your zodiac themed party. If you just want party décor, you can find plenty of inexpensive party supplies if you know where to look. Stars and moons party décor is a popular theme so there are many options.

Close-up image of the torso of a golden bronze statue of a woman holding a poised bow and arrow: the archer
Sagittarius (Photo: Felipe Simo)

2. Prepare Refreshments

Time to get crafty with your menu! Whether you provide all refreshments or whether you request that guests bring a dish or drink potluck-style, there are fun ways to add thematic touches to your menu. Bake yummy cupcakes and top them with zodiac cupcake toppers (see options in section above under zodiac themed decorations). Get some Zodiac Black cherry vodka and serve a Zodiac sunset cocktail. You can even learn about the best food options for each zodiac sign. While this doesn’t directly lend itself to a party menu, you can still get some ideas and organize and label your snacks according to which signs would most likely benefit!

Close-up photo of a red crab walking along the sand covered in a layer of water (looks as though it's walking on water)
Cancer (Photo: Rompalli Harish)

It’s easy to spend a lot on food. If you want to keep it thrifty, the key is to prepare your own dishes rather than buy pre-made party platters. This means you need to plan your menu and set aside time to cook/prepare food in advance (included in your time block to-do list below). While that takes a little more effort and preparation on your part, it also gives you more freedom over specific ingredients you provide. This is important, say, if someone is gluten free. Of course, you can always budget by inviting guests to BYOB and/or bring edible items to share. Most people are happy to contribute (see 5. Guest Participation). But regardless, be aware of any invited guests’ dietary restrictions and provide at least one or two decent food/drink options for them as well.

Blue collage with image on top showing a person's hand pouring out a glass of water, and image on bottom showing an underwater view of sunlit water and many bubbles
Aquarius (Original photos: Jamie Street; J K)

3. Set the Ambience with Zodiac-Inspired Music and Candles

For a thematic playlist, there are so many songs that play tribute to any given sign (such as the Age of Aquarius retro hit). You could also put together a playlist with each sign’s attributed power ballad. Or you may have other ideas of songs that suit each zodiac sign. A broader direction is to play star-themed songs, such as Paul Oakenfold’s Starry Eyed Surprise, or Earth Wind & Fire’s Shining Star, or Madonna’s Lucky Star. You’ll find no shortage of options!  

And to even more fully immerse your guests in a zodiac themed party, engage their sense of smell with zodiac-inspired scented candles. Here are a couple beautiful options:

Face-on photo of a long-haired orange/tan coloured bull in a field of tall wheat against a hazy light sky
Taurus (Photo: Dylan Leagh)

4. Plan Zodiac Themed Party Games or Activities

For anyone interested in astrology, a favourite activity is learning all kinds of information based on your star sign such as which jobs you are most suited for or which books you should read (or, as mentioned above, the best food options for each zodiac sign). Whether you fully embrace astrology or whether you don’t believe in it but enjoy learning about your star sign just for fun, these types of trivia are always popular!

Structured activities aren’t necessarily required to make a great party, but they can often make a more interesting and entertaining party! Maybe you and your guests would enjoy doing basic games such as bingo and others that are included in a printable/digital astrology activity bundle. Or, if your guests are board game enthusiasts, they may enjoy a Zodiac War board game.

Brilliant photo of a male lion resting on a large rock
Leo (Photo: Matthew Henry)

If you have enough guests who don’t know one another’s birthdates, you could go around and have everyone guess each guest’s star sign (of course, this only works when birthdays aren’t known!). Keep track of how many signs people guess correctly and whoever has the most wins a prize.

5. Establish Guest Participation

Close-up photo of two young twin girls' faces smiling and lying on the grass
Gemini (Photo: Marlon Alves)

Guest participation depends on what kind of party you’re having and what sorts of things you’ll do/share. Maybe you have guests BYOB. Maybe you request they bring a dish to share, potluck-style. That’s a helpful way to cut down on the time and expenses for food prep. But as the host of a potluck-style party, be sure to provide at least one large dish that is both tasty and filling (just in case others end up bringing things that are less tasty or less filling).

Of course, always choose your guests mindfully and with their interests in mind. Prioritize friends who you know would most enjoy a zodiac themed party. But don’t shy away from others who may not know much about it. You never know, you may inspire someone’s interest!

A gray/brown goat with large ribbed horns moves through a grassy field with a green tree line in the background
Capricorn (Photo: Moritz Knöringer)

Checklist of Items You Need

These are the things you need for your zodiac themed party:
  • Zodiac-inspired decorations
  • Food and beverages, especially zodiac-inspired refreshments
  • Zodiac-inspired music playlist
  • Zodiac-inspired scented candles
  • Zodiac themed party activities

Preparation Checklist for Your Zodiac Themed Party

Close-up image of a golden sundial with each of the traditional twelve zodiac signs engraved around the circumference, a great decorative addition for a zodiac themed party
Photo by Sharon Waldron
1. First, confirm that people can come on any chosen date:
  • Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well
  • Choose guest list and establish minimum number of guests you’d like (to make it worth your effort)
  • Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  • If your preferred minimum number of guests confirm interest and availability, have them secure calendar date for your awesome zodiac themed party!
2. Then, proceed with the fun planning:
  • Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  • Create invitations with all the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  • Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  • Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  • In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  • In your planned time slots, set up decorations
  • In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks (depending on how long things keep)
3. Day of Party (in your amply planned time slot):
  • Prepare any foods/drinks that are too fresh to do any earlier
  • Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations you didn’t want up before
  • Prepare ambience (music, candles)
  • Get dressed in your favourite party outfit
  • Once everything’s ready, meditate or do any preferred self-care to get in a good head space if you aren’t already. You want to be relaxed, energized, and centered. You will be happier, and guests will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and automatically be happier as well – everybody’s best interest! Now you’re ready to party, zodiac-style. Happy hosting!
Close-up photo of a beautiful tan and orange/gold globe against a stark black background, which depicts the sky's constellations in contrasting white overtop yellow/orange continents and tan ocean, an awesome decorative piece for a zodiac themed party
Photo by Vedrana Filipovic

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