Welcoming props for a witch party: a broom rests on rustic front porch steps next to a sign that reads 'Eat, drink and be scary'

How to Throw a Witch-Themed Party

Why a Witch Fest, You Wonder?

Witches are integral characters of Halloween. So naturally, October makes the perfect time of year to dust off your witch hat and celebrate! You could go so many ways with this theme. You could make it a natural, woodsy witch interpretation and incorporate a lot of natural materials (or host outside). Have a kitchen witch potluck and invite everyone to bring their most potent brew. You could have everyone come dressed as famous witch characters (i.e. those from Wizard of Oz, Bewitched, Hocus Pocus, etc.). You could get as niche or as universal as you want. Here, we’ll cover how to host a general witch party for you and all your witchy friends.

Close-up photo of black boots of woman sitting in a chair on a front stoop, next to a lit jack-o-lantern carved with a witch riding a broom and a crescent moon. Next to the pumpkin a small gray ceramic gargoyle stands guard (Rummy)

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Steps for How to Throw a Witch Party

1. Create the Scene with Witchy Decor

Must be the season of the witch…here is where you get to unleash all your playful creativity. Decorating for your witch party can be as expensive or inexpensive as you are comfortable with. However far you take it, make sure you consciously and sustainably spend in order to protect your finances. Breaking your budget will only stress you out and make you regret the decision to party, which is not helpful for anybody! There are lots of fun decorations and things you can acquire – including inexpensive ones – that perfectly set the scene. It helps to first hone in on your witch niche: woodsy naturalist? Kitchen witch? Love potion expert? Astrological magic? Your focus defines your scope, but general Halloween decor is always a good start.

a) Halloween Decorations

There are plenty of witchy Halloween decorations at your fingertips this time of year. Look in any retail store that sells Halloween decor or supplies. Michael’s especially has a great selection of creative seasonal decor. You should have no trouble finding witchy stuff. Here are just a few fun decorations to set the scene:

b) Potions, Ingredients and Magic

You don’t necessarily have to get Halloween-specific decorations to set a witchy scene. Filling old jars or urns with dried herbs and flowers can create a ‘witch supply’ vignette. Pick a bunch of leaves or flowers, let them dry out, and put them in mason jars on your mantel or other visible area. Snag some old black ribbon from a craft thrift shop to tie around the jars, or create visible labels with names of spells. Fill jars with water and place stones and other detritus inside. Hang some cinnamon brooms from your local grocer, craft store or online. Not only will these look fun and festive, but they’ll smell intoxicating!

2. Prepare Witch Party Food and Beverages

Since refreshments are usually the biggest expense, always plan within your budget so you’re consciously spending within reason and comfort. A witch party is a perfect opportunity to spin it into a ‘BYOC’ potluck party (Bring Your Own Cauldron) and/or ‘BYOB’ (Bring Your Own Brew). This alleviates you from having to provide more than a dish or two and is a great budget option. People are usually happy to contribute (see 6. Guest Participation). Just be aware of any invited guests’ dietary restrictions and needs so you can provide at least one or two decent food/drink options for them as well.

Here are some fun witchy provisions to craft if you dare:

3. Set a Witchy Ambience with the Perfect Playlist or Video

Sequential visual of the moon cycle against stark black background. Starting from left: full moon gradually changes through six iterations until, at the right, it is a crescent moon sliver
Photo by Mark Tegethoff

If you want to play music, find witch-inspired playlists from your music streaming platform of choice. There are plenty of classic loosely witch-themed songs, such as Season of the Witch (Donovan) and Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac) to name just a couple.

You could also opt to play a witchy movie in the background, even if you don’t necessarily want everyone to sit down and watch a movie. Some great classics include Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, Bewitched, and more. (But please, to prevent everyone from getting headaches, don’t play The Blair Witch Project!)

A fun alternative to music or movies is to play a witchy ambience video/soundscape in the background. There are tons of witch ambiance soundscapes for any desired atmosphere, and they generally lend a sort of relaxed vibe. So soundscapes are probably a good go-to for a more casual, laid back witch party as opposed to a full-on dance fest!

4. Add Evocative Scents

Close-up photo of a black pot/cauldron sitting overtop an open flame in a wood burning fire. In the pot is a boiling liquid and many round-cut orange slices
Photo by Tengyart

To truly immerse your guests in the witchy vibe, remember to engage all of the senses. So how can you seduce everyone’s witchy sense of smell? A fitting touch would be to mull a big brew of spiced cider, whether soft or spiked. Definitely a plus if you can snag a cauldron-styled pot! Seasonally-scented candles or incense is a great choice. Here are a few hand-crafted finds:

Photo of a small book with a blank white cover that reads in black feminine font, 'Book of Spells.' Four mini white decorative pumpkins with gold stems surround it, along with a black candle holder with a white taper candle and some melted wax
Photo by Paige Cody

5. Plan Witchy Games or Activities

Games and activities provide structured fun. They aren’t necessary to make a great party, but they can turn an otherwise great party into a great and very interesting party! Activities are especially helpful for introverted guests or people who otherwise don’t strike up conversations as easily. You know your friends best; plan accordingly. Even for outgoing folks, games can make for memorable entertainment!

a) Blind Fortune Teller

Here’s a fun twist on the classic art of fortune-telling: set up a makeshift fortune teller booth and elect a participant to act as fortune teller. Find a fun spherical salt lamp to use as a crystal ball. But here’s the kicker: the fortune teller gets blindfolded before each customer visit. They then get to take each silent customer’s hand and, to the best of their ability (or hilarity), predict the customer’s future. The fun is at the end when everybody finds out who gets what future! Bonus points if you know any theater majors; they’d be perfect for this role.

b) Blind (and Possibly Tipsy) Fortune Teller

If you and your guests enjoy alcohol at your witch party, you can make this a drinking game. The blind fortune teller ‘wins’ each customer visit if they predict something accurate to the customer’s actual life circumstances. The loser (customer) then drinks. If they are way off base, the fortune teller drinks. You can be the judge on how loosely you interpret the fortune teller’s accuracy of people’s actual life circumstances.

Topical vignette for a lunar-themed witch party: a black book with gold embellishments titled 'Moon Magic' rests on a light cloth background. Neatly arranged next to it are a couple of cards, an evergreen sprig, a gold medallion on a gold chain, several stones/crystals, and a few other trinkets
Photo by Content Pixie

c) Sneaky Sweep

Want a clean house? Have everyone bring their witch’s broom and see who can clean the fastest…just kidding! But do make a game out of a broom. Lay it somewhere inconspicuous and take a picture of where it is. Whoever accidentally bumps into it first has to ride it anywhere they walk for ten minutes. Then, they get to place the broom somewhere for somebody else to bump into. If you and your guests enjoy alcohol during the party, you could also turn this into a drinking game. Get creative, and don’t be afraid to make it silly!

d) Trivia

Do you love trivia challenges? Put on your scholarly cap and research witch facts to share with friends! You could make a game of it and whoever answers the most questions right gets a prize. Here’s an example: The word ‘witch’ originates from the Old English word ‘wicce,’ which means ‘wise woman.’

6. Establish Witch Participation

Guest participation depends on which type of witch party you want to have and who you want to invite. As you choose your guests mindfully, keep their interests in mind. If your friends would love the idea of dressing up, have everyone dress up as a witch! This is a theme that perfectly lends itself to costumes. And to be a witch, you don’t even really need a costume. A witch’s hat will do just fine, topping any outfit! Here are some hats and costumes you and your guest witches may enjoy:

As the host, remember to lead your party as the #1 participant. So don’t forget your own witch costume! And even if you’re having others BYOC and/or BYOB, be sure to provide at least one large dish that is both tasty and filling (just in case others end up bringing things that are less tasty or less filling), as well as at least one delicious non-alcoholic beverage and, optionally, at least one delicious alcoholic beverage.

Fitting decor for a witch party: two decorative black leather boots with black laces, square gold buckles and blue interior lining sit atop rustic front porch steps in front of a small sign that reads 'Free Flying Lessons' with a black silhouette of two witches flying on a broomstick
Photo by Bee Felten Leidel

Checklist of Items You Need for Your Witch Party

This is a list of things to acquire for your witch party:

  1. Witchy decorations
  2. Witchy food and bevvies
  3. Way to play music or video
  4. Things with seasonal scents (i.e. candles, incense, cider)
  5. Witchy activities and supplies needed (i.e. broom, etc.)
  6. Costume
Several objects rest on a wooden table to create a witchy scene, perfect for a witch party: an open book with black pages and an illustration of the moon next to the written words 'witch aesthetic'; a necklace with a round charm lying in the center of the open book; crystals; a black and white speckled feather; a small orange pumpkin; two red apples; a tea light candle inside a small glass; and many small vials and other detritus
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo

Checklist of Steps to Prepare for Your Witch Party

1. First, establish that your efforts aren’t in vain by confirming that guests can attend on your chosen date:
  1. Choose party date/time, and preferably alternative date(s) as well
  2. Choose guest list and decide minimum number of witches you prefer (so it’s worth your effort)
  3. Six weeks out, confirm guests’ interest in the party and availability on chosen party date(s)
  4. If your preferred minimum number of witches confirm interest and availability, have them secure the calendar date for your awesome witch fest
2. Then, proceed with the fun planning!
  1. Schedule time on your calendar for each step of party prep (securing and/or making food/drinks, etc.)
  2. Create invitations with all of the details and send them out 4 weeks before the party
  3. Order any party supplies and decorations 3 weeks out (so they arrive in time to prepare and set up)
  4. Shop for any party supplies/decorations you don’t order online, as well as non-perishable food/drinks
  5. In your planned time slots, DIY any party supplies and decorations
  6. In your planned time slots, acquire perishable food/drinks early enough in advance to prepare in time
  7. In your planned time slots, set up/decorate with any supplies and decorations
  8. In your planned time slots, prepare food/drinks accordingly (depending on how long things keep)
3. Day of Party (in your amply planned time slot):
  1. Complete any last-minute food/drink prep that can’t be done in advance
  2. Set up any quick/easy last-minute supplies and decorations
  3. Prepare ambience (audio/visual, candles/scents)
  4. Get dressed in your witchy outfit with plenty of time to spare!
  5. Once everything’s ready, meditate or take whatever self-care steps to get in a good head space if you aren’t already; that is, relaxed, energized, and excited. You will be happier, and guests will pick up on your contagiously good vibe and automatically be happier as well – everybody’s best interest!
Five decorative pumpkins are lined up along a rustic outdoor windowsill in front of a sign that reads 'The Witch is In'
Photo by Bee Felten Leidel

Witchiest Host of the Season

Witch-ever way you throw it (sorry), you can’t go wrong with a festive witch party. Whether you wax wild, weird, or wonderfully relaxed, you and your friends will be sure to enjoy spending well-planned time together for this timeless theme.

If you want to explore specifically Halloween-themed parties, check out these:

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