A group of friends gather under a rainfall of blue and silver circle confetti, holding cocktails in the air, with a cluster of blue, green and purple balloons behind them in a nicely appointed space. Party themes for adults embrace exactly this sentiment of cheer, frivolity and adult-style decor and celebration

Party Themes for Adults: Make Sure It’s a Grownup Party

Partying is good for the soul. It’s what makes us come alive as the playful humans we inherently are. And yet, many adults rarely have parties – that is, actual adult parties. We aren’t talking about children’s parties, which are specifically for entertaining children. How many parents can say they’ve been to more than one adult party within the past year? And how many of those parents have gone to a dozen children’s birthday parties? The party theme market is saturated with children’s party ideas, which are a lot of fun! But what are adults doing to have their own fun? If you’re looking for party themes for adults, you’re in the right place.

A group of friends act silly and laugh around a couch while wearing party hats and drinking beers
Photo by Vitaly Gariev

While we must all get older, we don’t have to get boring! If your adult friends bore you, don’t blame them – blame their circumstances. Life (and ‘adulting’, as it’s called) can get very stressful, especially in a fast-paced modern society. It takes a lot of fighting for yourself to set up boundaries and situations that allow you to rest, relax, and have a little fun on a somewhat regular basis. Many people just need a good party to re-ignite that spark of life that they maybe haven’t felt since university (or early childhood). That’s what party themes for adults are all about. They give us a reason to live a little!

Adults have been partying for millennia, much longer than they've been organizing children's parties, as seen in this photo from the 1950s of two older couples eating, drinking and enjoying themselves while gathered around a modest kitchen table covered in bottles of beer and whiskey
Photo by Annie Spratt (@anniespratt)

What Makes It an Adult Party?

There are a few key components to an adult party, which we’ll cover below. But what primarily distinguishes an adult party from a children’s party is what you do during the party. Specifically, it’s the intellectual complexity of activities. For instance, theme party ideas for adults don’t include games like pin the tail on the donkey, but they do employ interesting or more stimulating games and activities.

A group of friends sit at a table and laugh while holding up whiskey glasses and eating a meal
Photo by OurWhisky Foundation

Conversation plays a big role as well. Most kids do talk to each other, but they don’t need to. They are just as happy using their bodies to physically play with one another or with toys/equipment near each another. Unless you have an adult-sized jungle gym, conversation is a critical element to how much guests enjoy your party. Adults naturally love activities too but they primarily gab, so encouraging stimulating conversation with fun-loving guests is a huge factor of an adult party.

A basic pizza and beer party is a classic example of the many food-based party themes for adults, as seen in this photo of a group of friends gathered around a coffee table with pizza boxes and beer bottles
Photo by Vitaly Gariev

Décor, food, and other such environmental efforts are just as relevant for party themes for adults as they are for kids (although usually much more nuanced). It’s what you do moreso than how it looks that makes the main difference.

Party Themes for Adults: How to Make it a Grownup Party

1. Focus On the Experiences That are Fun for Adults

The goal of both kids parties and adult parties is the same: everybody wants to have fun. That is a universal fact that’s true for every age, from four to one hundred and four! But how people have fun is very much defined by age. While kids are more interested in specific party games or activities, adults care more about the company and the food. Sure, there are other things we enjoy – which we’ll cover below – but when you break it down, these are the basic experiences adults seek in a party. It’s really that simple! There is more to what makes a good party, but the quality of guest socialization and refreshments are first in line.

Friends sit around a blue and white circle confetti-adorned table covered with an extravagant cheese board and whiskey cocktails. Party themes for adults include, in addition to the more obvious and popular themes, ideas like 'wine and cheese' or 'cocktails and colouring' or 'international progressive dinner' - many food and drink-centric topics.
Photo by Christina Kernohan and the OurWhisky Foundation
a) Enjoyable interactions and relaxed socializing

Adult parties are not work conferences. Sure, you’re always networking, but the goal of a party is generally unrelated to anything work-oriented. The goal is purely to enjoy yourself, in conjunction with others enjoying themselves, based on your common interactions and experience. Much of this goal is attained by choosing your party guests with some thought. It also ties into setting a relaxed and playful atmosphere that is inspiring and creative. Several elements help to create such a space – such as décor, music, scents, and refreshments. Ultimately, you want to set up an environment where people are invited to relax and let loose!

b) Good refreshments
A group of friends gathered at an outdoor table clink their orange juice glasses together to cheers over a fall harvest spread.
Photo by Askar Abayev

Good food and drinks can make all the difference in how well guests enjoy a party. Even if everything else is fantastic, nobody will appreciate snacking on dry pretzels and Triscuits while drinking cheap beer. Unless they are already under some sort of influence. But people always appreciate a delicious appetizer or terrific cocktail or mocktail. You don’t have to be a star chef, but when you put thought and effort into your menu, people notice and are inherently grateful. Kids are happy to eat boring pizza and juice and then run around and have a great time. Adults, however, need the real deal when it comes to refreshments!

2. Create an Adult-Friendly Environment

A group of classy older women gather around a decorated table while one leans over a strawberry-topped birthday cake to blow out a '60' birthday candle
Photo by Vlada Karpovich

While you aways want kids to be comfortable at a party, it doesn’t take much to accomplish this. Adults, on the other hand, require a little more thought and planning. While age and physical abilities are the main factors to take into consideration here, it’s best to always make things as comfortable as possible no matter who your adult guests are.

a) Offer comfortable seating
A group of friends laugh and pose on a couch next to a tastefully-decorated Christmas tree at either a Christmas or New Year's party while holding up martini glasses
Photo by Olia Danilevich

Kids are often happy sitting on a hard floor or jumping around somewhere. Adults typically prefer at least some seating options, especially if they experience any mobility limitations. Even physically fit, limber adults appreciate a good seat – especially after standing or walking all day! While many are also happy sitting on the floor, always provide enough comfortable chair seating for at least as many people you invite who may need it. Cushioned surfaces are always most comfortable, but make do with what you have. You can also use pillows or folded blankets as cushions if needed.

A group of women laugh and sip cocktails around a beautifully-appointed table on a sunny patio for an outdoor party
Photo by Mohau Mannathoko
b) Careful to not overcrowd

One of the basic components of inviting guests involves only inviting as many as you can comfortably fit in your space. Kids, especially neurotypical ones, may not mind a crowded environment. But if you’re going to host an indoor party and you have a small home, you should probably not invite a hundred people. This isn’t just about airflow but also personal space and unwanted close proximity to others. This may vary depending on the region of the world where you live, and maybe this is okay in your culture. In that case, it’s less of a concern. But in western regions of the world, watch your guest list and be careful to not over-invite.

3. Make the Games and Activities Adult-Friendly

The most noticeable difference between kids parties and adult parties are definitely the games and activities. Kids may absolutely adore games like ring toss and musical chairs. And while some adults would politely participate to be a good sport, most won’t find those truly stimulating (or even enjoyable). So the spin here is to keep games and activities adult-friendly. We always hear about things being ‘kid-friendly’, but here we want to prioritize what makes something adult-friendly (so that adults genuinely enjoy it!).

a) Games

Adult-friendly games include those that are truly entertaining, intellectually stimulating, socially enjoyable, and/or physically fun. Sports are one example that both kids and adults enjoy, but the difference here is obviously the level of skill involved. Kids can play tee-ball at an outdoor party, but adults may enjoy a good game of volleyball or ultimate frisbee. The same goes for indoor games. Kids may enjoy Go Fish, but adults may enjoy a more advanced card game.

Party themes for adults include outdoor parties that take place at outdoor spaces - including public ones - as seen here with several friends relaxing on a lawn with a picnic blanket, delicious spread of food and beers, and a soccer ball
Photo by Kampus Production

If your guests include boardgame fans, there are plenty of adult-level boardgames to challenge players. Those who enjoy a trivia challenge may love adult trivia games. Of course, content is a major distinguisher as well. Many party guests appreciate a good laugh they can get from an adult card game or drinking game. Adult games vary depending on your audience, but they are overall not going to be the same games that entertain kids.

A couple of enthusiastic women cheer together while decked out in St. Patrick's Day garb at a party. St. Patrick's Day is one of the many fun party themes for adults.
Photo by RDNE Stock Project
b) Activities

The activities that accompany party themes for adults include such pastimes as puzzling during a jazz and jigsaw puzzle party, hiding/finding covetable ‘treasures’ during a scavenger hunt party (for adults), or setting up and swapping out clothes (for free!) at a fashion party. The key here is to think firstly about your party’s theme, as well as about what your guests would most enjoy. For example – you could have a French themed party and set up a jigsaw puzzle of the Eiffel Tower for people to play at when they feel like it. Maybe nobody touches it, or maybe a puzzle-lover tackles it amidst party conversation.

c) Dancing
A group of people laughing and dancing under a rainfall of purple and red confetti
Photo by Loïc DAYANT

Nothing quite releases loads of positive energy and fun like a dance party. While there are kids dance parties, it’s usually adults who really crave the release and play that so few other outlets provide. Dancing is a creative expression and physical socialization that connects people in ways that conversation sometimes can’t.

Music, of course, is the number one prerequisite for an adult dance party. While music is always a good idea and recommended for all party themes for adults, you definitely want to make a fabulous playlist to get people moving for a dance party. You also need to make sure you clear enough of a space to accommodate moving bodies. And, naturally, consider your guests. Dancing isn’t everyone’s cuppa so this is a type of party where you prioritize friends who enjoy dancing. Even those who aren’t big dancers could come and maybe enjoy themselves on the sidelines, but you really want to be careful to invite a majority of dance-lovers (lest the party flop and turn into a big ‘stand-and-chat’ fest).

Overview of How to Throw a Good Grownup Party

A smiling group of friends clink their drinks together to cheers at an outdoor party
Photo by Helena Lopes

Friends, here is a summary of what you need to ensure that your party is in fact an adult party:

  1. Focus on what adults find fun: enjoyable interactions/relaxed socializing, and good refreshments
  2. Create an adult-friendly environment with comfortable seating and plenty of space
  3. Make the games and activities adult-friendly (i.e. entertaining, interesting, and/or physically fun)
A group of friends laugh together at a boat party
Photo by Kampus Production

Party Themes for Adults Who Want Grownup Fun

Happily, there are plenty of party themes for adults that serve up a delightful metaphorical cocktail of adult-style fun! But whether you have a themed party or whether you simply want to throw together something basic for your friends, remember these important guidelines that make your party adult-friendly. You don’t need to transform your home into a jungle (though that would be amazing) or spend a bunch of money on party favors that probably nobody will want anyway. Planning parties for adults is an enjoyable way to celebrate life the way you like it and with your friends to enjoy together!

A woman smiles and spreads out her arms while holding a red Solo cup in front of a silver tinsel party garland hung across the wall
Photo by RDNE Stock Project

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